Mobile Physical Therapy Services

  • Physical therapist works on a patient

    Orthopedic Manual Manipulation

    Treat specific conditions that need more attention.

  • Woman getting a professional foot massage

    Therapeutic Massage and Sports Massage

    Improve circulation and muscle tension.

  • Dry needling on a patient's abdomen

    Dry Needling

    Decreases muscle spasms that may not respond to traditional stretching and massage.

  • Physical therapist applying kinesiology tape


    Supports painful and weak muscles allowing for improved stability.

  • Man and woman doing side by side one-handed pushups

    Personal Training

    Take your fitness to a new level with a personalized exercise plan.

  • African-American Man works out in a gym

    Full Body Armor

    Programs that address the body globally to maximize your full potential.

Benefits of Concierge Physical Therapy

  • Physical therapist works on a patient's back

    Privacy, convenience and no need to leave your home.

  • Older man hiking on top of a mountain

    Maintains and encourages healthy lifestyle choices to improve quality of life.

  • Woman does crunches on the floor.

    Builds strength and power to improve physical ability.

  • Flexible woman does yoga on a mat.

    Lengthen muscles to keep your body fully mobile.

  • Graphic showing the wrong way to work at a desk and the right way.

    Improve and maintain your skeletal alignment to decrease pain and further wear and tear.

  • Man holding his neck with overlay of his spine and muscles

    Relieve pain, inflammation and tension from your muscles.